
老表,你好嘢是来自一部港剧的戏名。好嘢的意思在这里我将它诠释为很棒!First of all, I would like to explain the blog title 老表,你好嘢!means cousin, you are awesome! 我很庆幸自己可以有一群关系很好的表哥,表姐和表弟。虽然我们年纪上有差别;虽然我们不是住在一起,但我们的关系一直都很好。I am so glad to have cousins like you all. Although we have different ages, although we didn't live in the same hometown, I am so happy to say that we have a very close relationship between each other. 这个四月很难得,大家真的聚在一起。先是在玻璃市和柔佛读书的表哥回家度过假期,然后就是远自泰国的表哥表姐到槟城游玩。In this April, cousins who study in Perlis and Johor went home for their holidays. At the same time, cousins from Bangkok also made a visit to Penang. 我对于他们的到来是很期待很高兴。时间流逝,读书的读书,做工的做工,想要聚在一起其实不容易。所以,他们一来我们当然都很高兴。I was so happy to meet them again. It is very difficult for us to meet each other since we are so busy in our daily life. Some may need to work while some may need to study. 前两次去泰国时他们可说是很热情地招待我们,所以他们这次到来我们当然也要好好带他们去玩。再加上,爸妈都有做工,所以我就成了他们的司机,带他们四处逛逛。In the year 2008 and 2012, we went to Bangkok to visit them. They all brought us to...